
The goal of our school in reference to the French civic educational programs is to combine the formation of future citizens with critical thinkers. Students become aware of their environment, enabling them to understand, value, and share the principles of solidarity, respect, and responsibility.

Moreover, we teach children about rights and regulations. Collaboratively, we create classroom and school rules and help them understand how these values are embodied in a democratic society. Each class has a representative, who shares the responsibility of the students during each school council.

Education for Sustainability

Because of the urgent need for citizens to understand the concepts of sustainability, Education for Sustainability has become a strong focus for Cousteau. Our aim is to engage all our students  in the Eco School Project.

We ensure young people have power to be the change for sustainability that our world needs by engaging them in fun, action-orientated and socially responsible learning. Our projects focus on actions – and embedding transformative thinking into everyday life and communities.

A dual certification

Eco-Schools Canada – Platinum Level in 2021-2022-2023-2024

AEFE Certification EFE3D (French School Abroad in Sustainable Development Approach) – Level 3 (2022-2025)

In June 2021, Cousteau School received the Platinum Certification from Eco-Schools Canada. 
The Minister of Environment and Climate Change Jonathan Wilkinson came to meet members of our Eco-Committee to congratulate Cousteau School on obtaining Platinum Certification from Eco-Schools Canada. Mr. Philippe Sutter, Consul General of France in Vancouver, was also present.